Statistics & KPIs for Vacation Rentals
Make better business decisions with Smoobu's smart statistics.
All your key performance indicators in one place.
Whether you want to see the number of bookings, occupancy rate, breakdown revenues, portal distribution or cancellation rates, Smoobu's Statistics provide you with all KPIs directly in your dashboard in an easy-to-understand format.
In addition, you can download your bookings as Excel, PDF or CSV and use them for deep analysis or send along to tax consultants.

Smarter data, smarter decisions
Your Smoobu's Statistics is the only data dashboard you will need. Keep reporting easy whilst having a clear insight into your bookings performance. See all of your data on one page and make smarter decisions for your short-term rental business.
In a nutshell you're able to breakdown KPIs by:
Revenue, bookings, cancellations, occupancy rate, dates, properties, booking portals and by nights.
Furthermore, all booking data can be downloaded as Excel, PDF or CSV.
Smoobu's Statistics is fully integrated with all Smoobu's tools.

Shared accounts with custom permissions
With Smoobu you're able to create shared accounts with your partner, family, cleaning team, tax consultant etc.
You can define custom read, write or no access permissions to:
General account settings and information, guests information, messages and prices.
Additionally, Smoobu's Shared Accounts can be organised for all properties or by single property. This is especially important for property managers and agencies.
Start your free trial today
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